• Moscow +7 (499) 748-02-29
  • Tikhoretsk +7 (86196) 7-15-16

Railway Vehicles

Motor truck loading and transport MPT-6 isp.6


wheel gauge, mm 1520
power unit output, kW (hps) 286,7 (390)
engine type ЯМЗ-7514
gear-box type генератор синхронный БГ-200/ГС-200
own deck cargo capacity, t 8,0
maximum speed, km/h 100
max. towing capacity at shunting mode, t 400,0
passenger capacity, pers. 10
proper weight, t 32
Negotiable curves radius, m 80
type of crane консольная
load lifting capacity at min. outreach, outriggers retracted, t 5
load lifting capacity at max. outreach, outriggers retracted, t 0,9
load lifting capacity at min. outreach, outriggers deployed, t 6,3
load lifting capacity at max. outreach, outriggers deployed, t 2
load hook lifting height, meters from rail top level 4
max. load hook outreach, meters from track centre 8,5
min. load hook outreach, meters from track centre 2
Snow removal equipment
make ТМЗ
type плуг-снегоочиститель таранного типа
Overall dimensions of the vehicle
length between couplers axis, mm 13490
width, mm 3320
height, mm 5280
wheel base, mm 7000

The motor truck is designed for:

Loading, unloading and transportation of goods on its own platform;
Transportation of goods on trailer platforms;
Transportation of long-length goods, including rails with a length of 25 m on own and trailer platforms;
Transportation of work crews to the place of work;
Carrying out shunting works on station tracks;
Conducting welding work in the field;
Clearing paths from snow;
Use as the head machine as part of the complex for the current maintenance of the track.

The motor carrier is a self-propelled two-axle carriage. A load-bearing cabin with a lifting crane is located on the front console. In the middle part, under the frame of the machine, there is a power plant (YaMZ-7514 diesel), a diesel-electric transmission consisting of a synchronous BG-200/GS-200 generator and DC-213 traction motors. In order to improve traffic safety and carry out work at night, the motorcycle is equipped with LED lighting and alarm devices.

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  • TMCP V.V. Vorovsky, JSC

    Krasnoarmeyskaya St., 67, Tikhoretsk, Krasnodar territory, Russia, 352127
    Ph.: +7 (86196) 7-15-16;
    Fax: +7 (86196) 7-15-26

    Technical Service Hot Line: +7 800 250-38-87

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  • Putevie Mashini, Managing Company

    3rd Sokolnitcheskaya St., 5/1, Moscow, Russia, 107014
    Ph.: +7 (499) 268-53-04
    Fax: +7 (499) 748-02-29

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